Here’s what you’ve been waiting 2 years for!!

The Cascade Warbirds winter monthly meetings are starting back up: Saturday, Oct. 8th at 10 AM at the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field. We expect to be in the North View Lounge on the second floor of the museum.

We have a special treat. We will be hearing from airshow and warbird legend Bud Granley, who has just announced his retirement from 55 years of airshow flying. Joining Bud will be his son Ross Granley, airshow partner, RCAF CF-18 pilot, and two-time Snowbird pilot. Come hear these legendary aviators share stories of airshow, military, and warbird flying, and maybe even some words of wisdom.  Bring your questions!

We will also have available lots of aviation memorabilia – models, patches, etc. – from the collection of long-time member Norm Gordon.

Plan on lunch at the museum after the meeting, and a chance to catch up with old friends!

The museum is also running its excellent new exhibit on the Walt Disney Studios in WWII.

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