EAA periodically polls the members of its chapters, and that includes EAA Warbirds of America squadrons. CWB’s Board of Directors received 2023 survey results and spent some time organizing it into a source of information from which actions can be taken.

From CO Dave Desmon:

Your Board of Directors spent quite a bit of time dissecting and analyzing those results at the last Board meeting, looking for ways to improve the squadron and make it what you want it to be. This will be an ongoing effort.

The good news is that CWB is doing fairly well. We are doing a lot of things right but there is room for improvement. The majority of you (over 85%) would recommend CWB to a friend or colleague. 75% are satisfied with the meetings.

The items that were most important to you were: Connecting with other aviation enthusiasts, Hosting tour stops (B-17, B-25, Trimotor), Presentations on aviation, Scholarships, Aviation education, and Fly-outs.

You liked the Museum of Flight, but there were comments that we should investigate holding meetings for more of the year and at other facilities and locales. You asked for more flying events, more airshows. You want the tour stops back. You mentioned the need to keep recruiting new leaders and younger members and leaders.

Some of these suggestions are already bearing fruit. For example, the CWB Fly Day, our participation in EAA Leadership Boot Camps, additional social gatherings in April and May, and we’re looking into expanding our meeting venues.

This is an area where the Board needs help. We need volunteers to take on projects and your input on just what we can do to make the next thirty years even better than the last thirty. I encourage you to look at the survey data and think about what CWB means to you, what you’d like to see, and how you can help make it so. This is your squadron.

CO’s Cockpit, April 2024 Warbird Flyer

Read the survey results below. Then get in touch with the Board with your ideas and volunteer to make CWB even better!

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